San Hill Road Track

San Hill Road Track Forest of Memories Waipukurau Central Hawkes Bay

 Memorials in the San Hill Road Track

San Hill Road seat - Abbas 'Abdu'l-Baha':- 23 May 1844-27 November 1921; commemorating the centenary of the passing, “the diversity of the human family should be the cause of love and harmony”, 'Abdu'l-Baha' Memorial trees are Cupressus sempervirens 'Totem' x4, Italian Cypress

ALLAN, Edwin Herbert 'Eddie':- 29 April 1944-25 August 2017. shared memorial tree is a Quercus robur, English Oak

ALLAN, Mark Edwin:- 13 April 1973-25 November 1995 (on wooden plaque). Memorial tree is a Quercus robur, English Oak.

ALLAN, Tracey Carol:- 1 April 1976-24 August 2003. Memorial tree is a Fraxinus excelsior, European Ash

BEATTIE, Clive A:- 9 March 1950-2 February 1994. Loving father of Andrew, Hamish, Campbell & Nicholas. Memorial tree is a Picea ????

BOALER, Brent Gordon; 3 March 1962-18 March 1993. Treasured son of Austin & Lynette, tragically taken, dearly loved brother of Joanne, Russell & Angela. Memorial tree is Cotinus coggyria 'Purpurea', Purple Smoke Tree

BOYD, Christina Jean (1921-1998) Memorial tree is a Sophora tetraptera, Kowhai

BRABYN, Peter Anthony:- 3 June 1950-26 May 2020. Memorial shrub is a Camellia japonica 'Holly Bright'

CARMAN, Brian:- 31 July 1938-20 September 2017. Memorial tree is a Quercus robur, English Oak. Also Takapau Lions Club seat, Reservoir Bridge, Middle Hill andHigh Road

CUDBY, John Frederick:- 26 May 1933-16 April 1997. Memorial tree is a ???? gum tree

CUDBY, Jennifer Marion:- 8 April 1935-12 February 2017. Memorial tree is a Prunus ????

CURD, John Burley:- 3 August 1901-30 September 1990. CURD, Gwendoline:- 16 August 1912-18 November 1997. Memorial tree is a Parrotia persica:- Persian Ironwood

Darien :-1941-2015. Memorial tree is a Betula pendula, Silver Birch

DUNN, Geoffrey Francis:- 14 October 1941-2 February 2003

DURHAM, Colin:- 11 January 1930-20 November 2006. Father of Valerie, Robin, Barbara, Gerald, Derek, Elizabeth & Ian - DURHAM, Valerie 'Fayen':- 27 August 1932-12 July 2017. Mother of Allan, Marie, Fiona, Linda, Kerry & Olwyn. Memorial tree is a Liriodendron tulipifera, Tulip Tree

FLETT, Githa Crawford:- Died 1999; aged 72, loved wife of Doug, loved mother of Garry, Heather, Hector & Malcolm

HALDANE, Joyce Evelyn:- 14 May 1919-26 August 2011. Loved wife of Edmund Thomas Haldane, mother of Ian, Vivienne, sister of Phyllis Dakers. Memorial tree is a Quercus robur, English Oak

HARRISSON, Lorraine. Memorial tree is a Prunus ???? or Malus ????

HOGGETT, Della nee WILLIAMS (1940-2015); San Hill Road seat. Shared memorial trees are Podocarpus totara, Green Totara and Lquidamber stryciflua, Sweet Gum

JINKERSON, RW; Memorial tree is a ???? conifer

KING, Phyllis:- d 16 December 1991. Loved mother or Audrey & Ray. shared memorial tree is a Quercus robur, English Oak

KNOWLES, Bob & Pam. Memorial tree is a Sophora microphylla; Small Leaved Kowhai

KYLE, Desmond Rosewarne:- 12 February 1971-30 November 1994. KYLE, Trish:- 1 August 1945-15 March 2012; San Hill Road seat. Shared memorial trees are Podocarpus totara, Green Totara and Lquidamber stryciflua, Sweet Gum

LORKE family - Memorial tree appears to be a Ligustrum lucidum, Tree Privet

MATTHEWS, George Henry:- 1914-2003; MATTHEWS, Thelma:- 1922-2000

MCKENNIE, Graeme:- 1951-1990; MCKENNIE, Gordon:- 1912-2000

MCLEOD, Jean nee JOHNSTON:- 9 October 1923-3 March 1998. Always a Waipukurau Gal. Memorial tree is Magnolia grandiflora ????, Southern Magnolia hybrid

MCMILLAN, Hugh:- 27 May 1913-19 September 2012. Loving husband of Gladys Victoria McMillan nee SMALES. Memorial tree is a ???? conifer

MEREDITH, Mervyn Willis:- 1930-1991

MEREDITH, Mary nee SCHRODER:- 19 December 1930-11 April 2014; In Memory Of. Memorial tree is probably a Prunus campanulata 'Felix Jury':- Taiwan Cherry

MORRISON, Colin N:- 7 November 1927-5 November 2020. Resident of Makotuku and Takapau, stepfather of Ian Franklin, grandfather to Annette and John Franklin. Memorial tree is a Podocarpus totara, Green Totara

MORRISON, June nee DAVIS:- 15 May 1922-7 October 1987, Wife of Colin Nichol Morrison and the late JR Franklin, mother of Ian & Ranee, granny of Annette & John

MORRISON, Ranee:- 23 July 1945-8 January 2001. Shared memorial tree is a Podocarpus totara, Green Totara

MURPHY, Lynette:- 1919-1972. Memorial tree is a Quercus palustris, Pin Oak

NORTHOVER, Deon:- 5 January 1981-14 September 2001. Cherished son, stepson & brother of Gail, Brent, Aroha & Georgia, luv ya forever De. Memorial tree is a Podocarpus totara 'Pendula', Weeping Totara

PATERSON, Victor James:- 29 October 1930-26 May 2004. Memorial tree is a Cotinus coggygria:- Smoke Tree

SCHRODER, Cliff:- 1899-1979 and his wife, Nuki:- 1904-1993. Memorial tree is a Sophora microphylla, Small leaved Kowhai

SIMMONDS, William Richard 'Bill':- 16 May 1919-25 December 1979

TARRANT, Charles William:- 21 April 1928-12 April 2004. TARRANT, Muriel Joyce 'Blue':- 6 February 1932-12 January 2017. Loved Mum and Dad of Julie, Corinne, Larry, Stephen, Shelley & Russel, loved 'Nana Blue' and 'Grumps'to all their grandchildren and greatgrandchildren, now resting together in peace. Memorial trees are ???? conifers x2

TERRY, Audrey May; 9 September 1923-25 August 2007. Loved wife of Mervyn, loved mother of Robert, Brian & Sandra.

TERRY, Mervyn Robert:-29 January 1922-13 April 2003. Loved father of Robert, Brian & Sandra. Shared memorial tree is a Quercus robur, English Oak

WEBB, Roly:- 21 April 1946-23 March 2005. As friends we will meet again. Memorial tree is a Quercus robur, English Oak

WILLIAMS, John Kenneth:- 15 January 1944-6 June 2011; WILLIAMS, Noel Hubert:- 23 December 1913-13 December 1967; WILLIAMS, Rina:- 28 September 1917-20 April 2004; Plaques are on the San Hill Road seat. Shared memorial trees are Podocarpus totara, Green Totara and Lquidamber stryciflua, Sweet Gum

WILSON, Thomas William 'Bill':- 19 November 1933-10 November 1996. Loved husband of Joyce, loved father & 'Poppy Bill'. Memorial tree is Sophora microphylla, Small Leaved Kowhai

WINCHCOMBE, Alec and Nell

Geoffrey Francis Dunn

Geoffrey Francis Dunn

Walter Matthews and Margo Matthews

Walter Matthews and Margo Matthews

John Frederick Cudby

John Frederick Cudby

Thomas William (Bill) Wilson

Thomas William (Bill) Wilson

Tracey Carol Allan

Tracey Carol Allan

Alec Winchcombe and Nell Winchcombe

Alec Winchcombe and Nell Winchcombe

R W Jinkerson

R W Jinkerson

Hugh McMillan

Hugh McMillan

Mervyn Wills Meredith

Mervyn Wills Meredith

San Hill Road track corner

San Hill Road track corner

Clive A Beattie

Clive A Beattie

Jean Mcleod (nee Johnston)

Jean Mcleod (nee Johnston)

Muriel Joyce Tarrant and Charles William Tarrant

Muriel Joyce Tarrant and Charles William Tarrant

John Burley Curd and Gwendoline Curd

John Burley Curd and Gwendoline Curd

Githa Crawford Flett

Githa Crawford Flett

Brent Gordon Boaler

Brent Gordon Boaler

William Richard (Bill) Simmons

William Richard (Bill) Simmons

Trish Kyle and Desmond Rosewarne Kyle

Trish Kyle and Desmond Rosewarne Kyle

Rina Williams

Rina Williams

Noel Hubert Williams

Noel Hubert Williams

Williams seat

Williams seat

Williams seat plaque

Williams seat plaque

John Kenneth Williams Forest of Memories Waipukurau Central Hawkes Bay
Graeme Mckennie and Gordon McKennie

Graeme Mckennie and Gordon McKennie

George Henry Matthews and Thelma Matthews

George Henry Matthews and Thelma Matthews

Lorraine Harrisson

Lorraine Harrisson

Phyllis King

Phyllis King

Mervyn Robert Terry

Mervyn Robert Terry

Audrey May Terry

Audrey May Terry

Terry plaques grouping

Terry plaques grouping

Victor James Paterson

Victor James Paterson

Roly Webb

Roly Webb

Victor William Graham and Peggy Graham

Victor William Graham and Peggy Graham

Tauhou Silver Eye

Tauhou Silver Eye

M M Murphy

M M Murphy

Joyce Evelyn Haldane

Joyce Evelyn Haldane

Marjorie Villers Campbell (nee Steele)

Marjorie Villers Campbell (nee Steele)



The Lorck Family

The Lorck Family

Cliff Schroder and Nuki Schroder

Cliff Schroder and Nuki Schroder

June Morrison (nee Davis)

June Morrison (nee Davis)

Brian Carman

Brian Carman

Bob Knowles and Pam Knowles

Bob Knowles and Pam Knowles

Colin Durham and Valerie Durham (nee Fayen)

Colin Durham and Valerie Durham (nee Fayen)

Jennifer Marion Cudby

Jennifer Marion Cudby